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LI Jiang-shan, WANG Ping, ZHANG Ting-ting, HUANG Qian, XUE Qiang. Leaching characteristics and mechanism of heavy metal in solidified/ stabilized contaminated soil under acid solution soaking[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(s1): 135-139. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2017S1027
Citation: LI Jiang-shan, WANG Ping, ZHANG Ting-ting, HUANG Qian, XUE Qiang. Leaching characteristics and mechanism of heavy metal in solidified/ stabilized contaminated soil under acid solution soaking[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(s1): 135-139. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2017S1027

Leaching characteristics and mechanism of heavy metal in solidified/ stabilized contaminated soil under acid solution soaking

More Information
  • Received Date: November 27, 2016
  • Published Date: November 19, 2017
  • KH2PO4—cement is used to soildify/stabilize the Pb contaminated soil. Leaching tests are conducted to study the leaching characteristics and mechanism of Pb in solidified bodies under acid rain soaking, and the effects of KH2PO4 addition, leaching time and leachate pH are took into account. The results show that KH2PO4 is effective to stabilize the Pb-contaminated soil. The Pb leaching is related to pH of leachant directly, and the leaching amount of Pb increases with acidity. What’s more, Pb leaching is also related to pH of leachate, and strong alkaline of leachate is conducive to the Pb mobility. For the acid solutions with pH of 2 and 5, the cumulative leaching ratio of Pb changes with time linearly, but the two-stage linear variation is founded for the acid solutions with pH of 3. pH of the leachate is in relation to the leaching amount of alkaline materials in S/S bodies. The controlling leaching mechanism of Pb changes with leachant pH, and it is presented that the leaching mechanism changes from dissolution to diffusion with the increasing leachant pH.
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