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Stress influence between unit anchor bodies for compression dispersion-type anchored cables
ZHOU De-pei, LIU Hong, FENG Jun
2012, 34(10): 1765-1771.
Abstract PDF
Strain localization of anisotropic sand
HUANG Mao-song, LI Xue-feng, QIAN Jian-gu
2012, 34(10): 1772-1780.
Abstract PDF
Thermo-mechanical responses of saturated silty soil to undrained heating-cooling cycles
BAI Bing, LIU Wen-xiu, SHI Xiao-ying, YANG Hai-peng
2012, 34(10): 1781-1786.
Abstract PDF
Analytical layer element solutions to plane strain problem of transversely isotropic multilayered soils
AI Zhi-yong, LI Bo
2012, 34(10): 1787-1791.
Abstract PDF
Simplified method of deformation prediction for excavations retained by embedded walls in Shanghai soft soil
WANG Wei-dong, WANG Hao-ran, XU Zhong-hua
2012, 34(10): 1792-1800.
Abstract PDF
Constitutive model for coarse granular materials based on breakage energy
MI Zhan-kuan, LI Guo-ying, CHEN Sheng-shui
2012, 34(10): 1801-1811.
Abstract PDF
Performance of earthen final covers of landfills in humid areas
ZHAN Liang-tong, JIA Guan-wei, DENG Lin-heng, CHEN Yun-min
2012, 34(10): 1812-1818.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic response of a spherical cavity in viscoelastic fractional derivative type saturated soil
GAO Hua-xi, WEN Min-jie
2012, 34(10): 1819-1826.
Abstract PDF
Effects of high temperatures on mechanical performance of basaltic tuff and mechanism analysis
WANG Cheng-hu, WANG Hong-cai, LIU Li-peng, SUN Dong-sheng, ZHAO Wei-hua
2012, 34(10): 1827-1835.
Abstract PDF
Leachate recirculation in bioreactor landfills considering settlement of municipal solid waste
FENG Shi-jin, ZHANG Xu
2012, 34(10): 1836-1842.
Abstract PDF
Pullout mechanism of GFRP soil nails
ZHU Hong-hu, ZHANG Cheng-cheng, PEI Hua-fu, ZHOU You, SHI Bin
2012, 34(10): 1843-1849.
Abstract PDF
Elastoplastic solutions to deep-buried circular tunnels in transversely isotropic rock masses considering intermediate principal stress
YU Dong-ming, YAO Hai-lin, LU Zheng, LUO Xing-wen
2012, 34(10): 1850-1857.
Abstract PDF
Analysis and validation of coupled heat-moisture-deformation model forsaturated frozen soils
HE Min, LI Ning, LIU Nai-fei
2012, 34(10): 1858-1865.
Abstract PDF
Advanced detection of water-bearing geological structures in tunnels using 3D DC resistivity inversion tomography method
LIU Bin, LI Shu-cai, NIE Li-chao, WANG Jing, SONG Jie, LIU Zheng-yu
2012, 34(10): 1866-1876.
Abstract PDF
Temperature effect on water retention curve under high suction and its modeling based on thermodynamics of sorption
QIN Bing, CHEN Zheng-han, SUN Fa-xin, FANG Xiang-wei, LIU Yue-miao, WANG Ju
2012, 34(10): 1877-1886.
Abstract PDF
Effect of ionic soil stabilizer on bound water of expansive soils
LIU Qing-bing, XIANG Wei, CUI De-shan
2012, 34(10): 1887-1895.
Abstract PDF
Shaking table model tests on embedded anti-slide piles
XU Jiang-bo, ZHENG Ying-ren
2012, 34(10): 1896-1902.
Abstract PDF
Coupling effects of P-waves and S-waves based on cyclic triaxial tests with cyclic confining pressure
GU Chuan, CAI Yuan-qiang, WANG Jun
2012, 34(10): 1903-1909.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of unloading-induced permeability increment of protected coal seam under mining
XUE Dong-jie, ZHOU Hong-wei, KONG Lin, ZHAO Tian, YI Hai-yang, TANG Xian-li
2012, 34(10): 1910-1916.
Abstract PDF
A unified equation of failure envelope for skirted foundations in normally consolidated clay
FAN Qing-lai, LUAN Mao-tian, GONG Xiu-bin
2012, 34(10): 1917-1924.
Abstract PDF
Complex function method of stress back analysis for a non-circular underground opening
LIU Yun-fang, LIU Yuan-kun, XU Jing
2012, 34(10): 1925-1930.
Abstract PDF
Comprehensive measurement of characteristics of deformation and failure of extra-thick coal seam floor induced by fully mechanized top-coal mining
ZHU Shu-yun, CAO Ding-tao, YUE Zun-cai, JIANG Zhen-quan, ZHAO Lian-tao, YU Xu-lei
2012, 34(10): 1931-1938.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic deformation field measurement system for rock failure and its application
CAO Yan-yan, MA Shao-peng, YAN Dong, GUO Wen-jing, MA Qin-wei
2012, 34(10): 1939-1943.
Abstract PDF
Slope deformation monitoring principle based on magnetic gradient tensor
JIANG Sheng-hua, ZHOU Zhi, OU Jin-ping
2012, 34(10): 1944-1949.
Abstract PDF
Large-scale ramp model tests on geomembrane/geotextile interface
LIN Wei-an, ZHANG Hong-wei, ZHAN Liang-tong, CHEN Yun-min
2012, 34(10): 1950-1956.
Abstract PDF
An approach to calculate diameter of jet-grouted columns based on turbulent flow theory
WANG Zhi-feng, SHEN Shui-long, XU Ye-shuang
2012, 34(10): 1957-1960.
Abstract PDF