Figures of the Article
Schematic of H-B strength parameters by point-by-point equivalent M-C strength parameter
3D slip surface and forces acting on a column
Flow chart of calculation of stability coefficient
Computational model for example 1
Computational model for example 2
Diagram of iterative process
Distribution of constructed normal stress of sliding surface
Distribution of point-by-point equivalent cohesion
Distribution of point-by-point equivalent internal friction angle
Computational model for example 3
Computational model for example 4(n=5)
Stability coefficient corresponding to different normal stress distributions
Overall view of slope
Computational model for three-dimensional slope
Diagram of iterative process
Distribution of normal stress of sliding surface
Distribution of point-by-point equivalent cohesion
Distribution of point-by-point equivalent internal friction angel
Tables of the Article
简写符号 表达式 简写符号 表达式 简写符号 表达式 D1 ∬−Syσ0dxdy A14 ∬Sxσ0dxdy A31 ∬σ0(x+S⋅Sx)dxdy D2 ∬−Syσ0xdxdy A′14 ∬−(c+σ0tanφ)ΔΔ′dxdy A′31 ∬(xSx−S)ΔΔ′tanφσ0dxdy D3 ∬−Syσ0ydxdy A21 ∬σ0dxdy A32 ∬σ0(x+S⋅Sx)xdxdy D4 ∬Syσ0dxdy A′21 ∬SxΔΔ′tanφσ0dxdy A′32 ∬(xSx−S)ΔΔ′tanφσ0xdxdy A11 ∬−Sxσ0dxdy A22 ∬σ0xdxdy A33 ∬σ0(x+S⋅Sx)ydxdy A′11 ∬ΔΔ′tanφσ0dxdy A′22 ∬SxΔΔ′tanφσ0xdxdy A′33 ∬(xSx−S)ΔΔ′tanφσ0ydxdy A12 ∬−Sxσ0xdxdy A23 ∬σ0ydxdy A34 M−∬σ0(x+S⋅Sx)dxdy A′12 ∬ΔΔ′tanφσ0xdxdy A′23 ∬SxΔΔ′tanφσ0ydxdy A′34 ∬−(c+σ0tanφ)(xSx−S)ΔΔ′dxdy A13 ∬−Sxσ0ydxdy A24 W−∬σ0dxdy A′13 ∬ΔΔ′tanφσ0ydxdy A′24 ∬−(c+σ0tanφ)SxΔΔ′dxdy -
参数 滑面ABC 滑面ABD 重度γ/(kN·m-3) 25.0 25.0 单轴抗压强度σci/MPa 0.818 0.682 完整岩石材料参数mi 20 15 地质强度指标GSI 100 75 扰动因子D 0 0 mb 20 6.142 s 1 6.22×10-2 a 0.5 0.501 -
计算方法 计算结果 误差/% 逐点等效M-C(本文方法) 3.562 广义H-B(Deng[20]) 3.593 0.86 等效M-C(Deng[20]) 4.657 23.51 -
参数 取值 重度γ/(kN·m-3) 25.0 单轴抗压强度σci/MPa 0.4 完整岩石材料参数mi 8 地质强度指标GSI 60 扰动因子D 0 mb 1.917 s 1.17×10-2 a 0.503 σtm/kPa 2.44 A 0.5630 B 0.6933 -
计算方法 计算结果 误差/% 逐点等效M-C(本文方法) 1.614 常规等效M-C(卢坤林等[8]) 1.913 15.63 常规等效M-C(三维楔形体法) 1.921 15.98 -
计算方法 计算结果 误差/% 逐点等效M-C(本文方法) 2.547 常规等效M-C(朱大勇等[3]) 2.922 12.83 -
参数 取值 重度γ/(kN·m-3) 23.0 单轴抗压强度σci/MPa 0.081 完整岩石材料参数mi 15 地质强度指标GSI 70 扰动因子D 0 mb 5.138 s 3.57×10-2 a 0.501 σtm/kPa 0.842 A 0.7771 B 0.7101 -
n 逐点等效M-C(本文) 常规等效M-C(朱大勇等[3]) 二维(Li等[21]) 误差/% 1 1.100 1.210 9.15 2 1.079 1.179 8.46 5 1.073 1.170 8.27 10 1.072 1.168 8.23 20 1.072 1.168 8.22 ∞ 1.002 -
参数 取值 重度γ/(kN·m-3) 28.0 单轴抗压强度σci /MPa 10 完整岩石材料参数mi 6 地质强度指标GSI 26 扰动因子D 0.8 mb 0.0733 s 1.4×10-5 a 0.529 -
计算方法 计算结果 误差/% 逐点等效M-C(本文方法) 0.942 常规等效M-C(朱大勇等[3]) 1.154 18.37
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