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WU Zhi-jian, ZHANG Ze-zhong, WANG Ping, ZENG Li-feng. Residual strain characteristics of loess and zoning of seismic subsidence in gannan region of Gansu Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 113-117.
Citation: WU Zhi-jian, ZHANG Ze-zhong, WANG Ping, ZENG Li-feng. Residual strain characteristics of loess and zoning of seismic subsidence in gannan region of Gansu Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 113-117.

Residual strain characteristics of loess and zoning of seismic subsidence in gannan region of Gansu Province

More Information
  • Received Date: February 27, 2013
  • Published Date: July 18, 2013
  • Seismic subsidence is one of the typical loess seismic disasters. Based on the results of dynamic triaxial tests on original loess samples of Hezuo City, Gansu Province, the residual strain characteristics are obtained by comparing with the test results of loess in other typical loess areas. In addition, the layer thickness distribution of the loess in Hezuo City is plotted through high intensity microtremor survey based on drilling exploration results. Moreover, using interpolation and spatial analysis functions of geographic information system (GIS) software, the zoning of seismic subsidence hazards of level 4 with two kinds of probabilities of exceedance is carried out on the basis of test results and thickness distribution of the loess.
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