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LIU Song-yu, LI Hong-jiang, TONG Li-yuan, SONG Wen-feng. Some problems on polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(z2): 7-11. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2016S2002
Citation: LIU Song-yu, LI Hong-jiang, TONG Li-yuan, SONG Wen-feng. Some problems on polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(z2): 7-11. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2016S2002

Some problems on polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures

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  • Received Date: May 18, 2016
  • Published Date: October 19, 2016
  • With the speeding up of urbanization, the study on polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures has become the focus of the engineering researchers. Based on a lot of literatures, the worldwide research history and situations of polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures are summarized, and the corrosion mechanism, test methods and influence factors for concrete and reinforcement are discussed. The conclusions of the existing pollution diffusion models as well as some typical laboratory test results about degradation of underground structures are compared, while the life prediction theories of structural durability under coupling action from double corrosion of , stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue and the polluted erosive durability characteristics of two kinds of typical urban underground projects are analyzed. Finally, the problems and insufficienly, research thinking and development direction are put forward after summarizing the existing research results so as to promote intensive study on polluted erosive durability of urban underground structures.
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