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BAI Li-dong, XIANG Wei, SAVIDIS A Stavros RACKWITZ Frank, SAVIDIS A Stavros RACKWITZ Frank. Resonant column and bender element tests on maximum shear modulus of dry sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(1): 184-188.
Citation: BAI Li-dong, XIANG Wei, SAVIDIS A Stavros RACKWITZ Frank, SAVIDIS A Stavros RACKWITZ Frank. Resonant column and bender element tests on maximum shear modulus of dry sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(1): 184-188.

Resonant column and bender element tests on maximum shear modulus of dry sand

More Information
  • Received Date: November 17, 2010
  • Published Date: January 19, 2012
  • The problems and solutions of applying the bender element method to determine the maximum shear modulus Gmax) of sand are investigated by conducting resonant columnRC) and bender elementBE) tests on four dry sands obtained from Germany. The study indicates that the start-to-start method is more reliable to identify the time of shear wave propagation in specimens compared to other methods. In BE tests, the excitation frequency of input waves has influence on the tested Gmax, and this influence is dependent on soil types and reduced by increasing confining pressure. A comparison between RC and BE tests shows that Gmax by both methods may be well expressed as a linear equation; for the Berlin sand and Braunschweig coarse sand, there exists a threshold Gmax below which Gmax by BE tests GmaxBE)) is greater than that by RC tests GmaxRC)), however beyond which the GmaxBE) is smaller than GmaxRC) and the distance between both increases with increasing stiffness soil. In practice, it is suggested that the input voltage with proper high frequency is preferred for BE tests, as compared with RC tests.
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