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RAO Chun-yi, ZHU Jian-feng, PAN Bin-jie, LIU Hao-xu, ZHOU Zhi-jun. One-dimensional compression model for solidified silt based on theory of disturbed state concept[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, 41(S1): 173-176. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2019S1044
Citation: RAO Chun-yi, ZHU Jian-feng, PAN Bin-jie, LIU Hao-xu, ZHOU Zhi-jun. One-dimensional compression model for solidified silt based on theory of disturbed state concept[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, 41(S1): 173-176. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2019S1044

One-dimensional compression model for solidified silt based on theory of disturbed state concept

More Information
  • Received Date: April 29, 2019
  • Published Date: July 14, 2019
  • The low-carbon, environmental-friendly magnesia cement is used to solidify the silt, and the compression characteristics of the solidified silt at different ages are investigated based on the one-dimensional compression tests. A series of one-dimensional compression tests on the magnesia cement-cured silt under different curing ages are carried out using a new ring knife sample preparation method. It is found that there exists an obvious inflection point, structural yield stress, on the ln(1+e)-lgσ¢v curve, which is similar to structural soils. Moreover, the structural yield stress of the solidified silt increases gradually with the increase of the curing age. Furthermore, an one-dimensional compression model to characterize the strengthening and weakening properties coexisted in the magnesia cement-solidified silt is proposed based on the concept of disturbed state. The experimental results show that the proposed model can reproduce well the one-dimensional compression characteristics of the solidified silt at any age.
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