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ZHENG Jianye, GE Xiurun, SUN Hong. Meso analysis for rationality of disturbed state concept theory considering special area of specimens[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(2): 263-267.
Citation: ZHENG Jianye, GE Xiurun, SUN Hong. Meso analysis for rationality of disturbed state concept theory considering special area of specimens[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(2): 263-267.

Meso analysis for rationality of disturbed state concept theory considering special area of specimens

More Information
  • Published Date: February 14, 2008
  • Countable real-time measurement of specimen interior under testing was taken by using medical-use CT instrument.Meso analysis on disturbed state concept theory(DSC) based on hardening model was performed.The logical rationality of problem-solving steps of DSC was further proved.The comparison between response’s of softening clay and hardening clay,through antitheses of results under shear loading in macro vision,along with outcomes of computerized tomography real-time test,the harmony was prohibited between the macro results and meso results that were shown by the synchronous experimental courses.Whether special area existed in specimen section or not did not influence the following conclusions: for hardening or softening materials,statistic variation of CT values,related to the superposition of disturbance factor,was different.Softening response was obtained with DSC by utilizing hardening model and introducing disturbance factor into the response depiction.
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