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Consolidation mechanism of vacuum preloading for dredged slurry and anti-clogging method for drains
CAI Yuan-qiang
2021, 43(2): 201-225. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102001
Abstract PDF
Non-inertial effects on matter motion in centrifugal model tests
LING Dao-sheng, SHI Chang-yu, ZHENG Jian-jing, ZHAO Yu, CHEN Yun-min
2021, 43(2): 226-235. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102002
Abstract PDF
Soil-water retention of 9 kinds of soils under high suctions
ZHOU Bao-chun, ZHAO Xin-xin, MA Quan-guo, LANG Meng-ting
2021, 43(2): 236-244. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102003
Abstract PDF
Dynamic centrifugal model tests on seismic subsidence of loess slopes under earthquake action
SHAO Shuai, SHAO Sheng-jun, LI Ning, ZHANG Bin
2021, 43(2): 245-253. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102004
Abstract PDF
Non-coaxial sand model based on improved vertex theory and its application
WANG Xing, KONG Liang, LI Xue-feng
2021, 43(2): 254-262. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102005
Abstract PDF
Scale effect of rockfill materials and its influences on deformation and stress analysis of Aertashi CFRD
NING Fan-wei, KONG Xian-jing, ZOU De-gao, LIU Jing-mao, YU Xiang, ZHOU Chen-guang
2021, 43(2): 263-270. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102006
Abstract PDF
Microscopic interpretation of time-dependent strength of clay considering plate-like particle interactions
CHEN Bao, SHU Qing-fei, DENG Rong-sheng
2021, 43(2): 271-280. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102007
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on failure mechanical properties of granite with two grain sizes after thermal treatment
YANG Sheng-qi, TIAN Wen-ling, DONG Jing-peng
2021, 43(2): 281-289. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102008
Abstract PDF
Strength of biocemented coarse sand with kaolin micro-particle improved nucleation
MA Guo-liang, HE Xiang, LU Hua-ming, WU Huan-ran, LIU Han-long, CHU Jian, XIAO Yang
2021, 43(2): 290-299. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102009
Abstract PDF
Influence factors for failure of cohesionless soil slopes triggered by heavy rainfall
MIAO Hai-bo, CHAI Shao-feng, WANG Gong-hui
2021, 43(2): 300-308. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102010
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of seepage control of pulsating grouting in completely weathered granite stratum
DOU Jin-xi, ZHANG Gui-jin, CHEN An-zhong, YANG Bo-shi, XIN Rui-liang, JIANG Huang-bin, DUAN Ji-hong, LI Hai
2021, 43(2): 309-318. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102011
Abstract PDF
Dynamic response of equal span orthogonal caverns subjected to ground shock
ZHAO Yue-tang, LIU Shao-liu, HU Kang
2021, 43(2): 319-328. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102012
Abstract PDF
Brazilian tests on layered carbonaceous slate under water-rock interaction and weathering
LI Er-qiang, FENG Ji-li, ZHANG Long-fei, ZHANG Hong-chang, ZHU Tian-yu
2021, 43(2): 329-337. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102013
Abstract PDF
Field model tests and bearing capacity analysis of tunnel anchorage of Jindong Bridge
YU Mei-wan, ZHANG Qi-hua, GAO Li-ping, LUO Rong, LI Yu-jie, WANG Shuai, BIAN Zhi-hua
2021, 43(2): 338-346. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102014
Abstract PDF
Three-dimensional discrete-continuous coupled numerical simulation of a single stone column in soft soils
TAN Xin, HU Zheng-bo, FENG Long-jian, ZHAO Ming-hua
2021, 43(2): 347-355. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102015
Abstract PDF
Ultimate bearing capacity of elliptical tip by upper bound analysis
YU Lu, YANG Qing, ZHANG Jin-li
2021, 43(2): 356-364. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102016
Abstract PDF
Theoretical analysis of horizontal pipe curtains with tight rows
ZHANG Yu, TAO Lian-jin, DONG Li-peng, ZHAO Xu, BIAN Jin, AN Shao, CHEN Xiang-hong
2021, 43(2): 365-374. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102017
Abstract PDF
Simulation method for gas tightness of segment joints of shield tunnels and analysis of influencing factors
SUN Xin, WU Wei, JIAO Ya-ji, JIN Rui, MENG Xiang-rui, ZHU He-hua, HE Jie, TU Xin-bin, HUANG Chang-yuan
2021, 43(2): 375-382. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102018
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on bearing mechanism of screw cast-in-place piles under vertical loads
WANG Shu-guang, FENG Zhe, TANG Jian-zhong, ZHAO Zhi-peng
2021, 43(2): 383-389. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102019
Abstract PDF
Feasibility study on actively heated FBG methods for dry density measurement
LIU Jie, SUN Meng-ya, SHI Bin, WEI Guang-qing, GUO Jun-yi, ZHENG Xing
2021, 43(2): 390-396. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202102020
Abstract PDF