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  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 美国工程索引(EI)收录期刊
  • Scopus数据库收录期刊

Bearing capacity of composite foundation with long cement treated column in soft soil
ZHENG Gang, WANG Changxiang, GU Xiaolu
2002, 24(6): 675-679.
Abstract PDF
An analytical theory for 1D nonlinear large strain consolidation of soft clay
XIE Kanghe, ZHENG Hui, C.J.Leo
2002, 24(6): 680-684.
Abstract PDF
The analysis of coherency function of earthquake ground motion considering stochastic effect in site media
LI Jie, LIAO Songtao
2002, 24(6): 685-689.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs migration in unsaturated soil
HU Liming, Lo M-C. Irene, PU Jialiu, YIN Kunting
2002, 24(6): 690-694.
Abstract PDF
The mechanism of deformation and water conduction of fault due to excavation in water inrush in underground engineering
LI Xiaozhao, LUO Guoyu, CHEN Zhongsheng
2002, 24(6): 695-700.
Abstract PDF
Finite element modeling of twophase seepage in unsaturated soil
ZHANG Bingyin, ZHU Jingyi, WANG Kuntai
2002, 24(6): 701-705.
Abstract PDF
Rotational failure of 3D nonsymmetric slope predicted by Bishop’s method
CHENG Yungming, ZHU Lujuan, GU Zhaoqi
2002, 24(6): 706-709.
Abstract PDF
The experimental study of cap-pile groups-soil interaction
HE Wubin, JIA Jungang, BAI Xiaohong, XIE Kanghe
2002, 24(6): 710-715.
Abstract PDF
Effects of radiation damping of infinite foundation on seismic response of the Xiluodu arch dam
WU Jian, JIN Feng, ZHANG Chuhan, WANG Guanglun
2002, 24(6): 716-719.
Abstract PDF
Calculation of proportional limit load for soft clay foundation involving the effect of dry crust
WANG Xiaomou
2002, 24(6): 720-723.
Abstract PDF
Influence of heterogeneity on hydraulic fracturing in rocks
YANG Tianhong, L.G. Tham, TANG Chunan, LENG Xuefeng, LI Lianchong
2002, 24(6): 724-728.
Abstract PDF
2-D nonlinear FEM analysis for underground openings locatedin the layered rock mass with softening joints
WANG Xiangqiu, YANG Linde, Gao Wenhua
2002, 24(6): 729-732.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on mechanical mechanism of retractable drilling shaft lining under the condition of stratum subsidence
YAO Zhishu, CHENG Hua, YANG Junjie
2002, 24(6): 733-736.
Abstract PDF
Study on dynamic behaviour and numerical method for saturated sand
WANG Mingyang, ZHAO Yuetang, QIAN Qihu
2002, 24(6): 737-742.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on vertical bearing properties of basegrouting bored castinplace pile
HE Jian
2002, 24(6): 743-746.
Abstract PDF
Study on mechanism of earthquakeinduced differential settlement of building by shaking table test
MENG Shangjiu, YUAN Xiaoming, SUN Rui
2002, 24(6): 747-751.
Abstract PDF
Increment of lateral pressure caused by installation of pile in soft foundation
TANG Shidong, HE Liansheng, YE Zhenhua
2002, 24(6): 752-755.
Abstract PDF
Research on the testing device of deep plate loading test
WU Yinzhu, YANG Guochun, WANG Wenchen
2002, 24(6): 756-759.
Abstract PDF
Interval papameter perturbation back analysis on mechanical parameter of surrounding rocks
LIU Shijun, XU Weiya, WANG Hongchun, SHAO Jianfu
2002, 24(6): 760-763.
Abstract PDF
Dynamic interaction factor under lateral seismic excitationconsidering the effect of axial load
JIANG Jianguo, ZOU Yingsheng, ZHOU Xuhong, YI Xiaohua
2002, 24(6): 764-768.
Abstract PDF
The design and test on antifloating anchorage of large substructure in coastal region
JIA Jinqing, SONG Erxiang
2002, 24(6): 769-771.
Abstract PDF
Associated inversion techniques of model optimization and data optimization for inverse problem of operator identification
WU Lijun, LIU Yingxi, HAN Guocheng
2002, 24(6): 772-777.
Abstract PDF
Application of mechanical model to deformation of covered rock separation strata
SU Zhongjie, YU Guangming, YANG Lun
2002, 24(6): 778-781.
Abstract PDF
Artificial neural networksbased-model for forecasting critical height of GRW
ZHOU Jianping, YAN Shuwang
2002, 24(6): 782-786.
Abstract PDF
Design of servocontrolled cyclic triaxial test system by improvement on static triaxial test equipment
2002, 24(6): 787-789.
Abstract PDF
Influence of the pressure water in shallow silty sand in Shanghai on excavation
2002, 24(6): 790-792.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of soil deformation caused by groundwater pumping and dilatation in silt zone
, ,
2002, 24(6): 793-795.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study of piezoresistive silicon pore pressure transducers
2002, 24(6): 796-798.
Abstract PDF