HU Liming, Lo M-C. Irene, PU Jialiu, YIN Kunting. Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs migration in unsaturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 690-694.
HU Liming, Lo M-C. Irene, PU Jialiu, YIN Kunting. Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs migration in unsaturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 690-694.
HU Liming, Lo M-C. Irene, PU Jialiu, YIN Kunting. Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs migration in unsaturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 690-694.
HU Liming, Lo M-C. Irene, PU Jialiu, YIN Kunting. Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs migration in unsaturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 690-694.
Lo M C. Irene 2 1.Department of Hydraulic Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong China
The transport of LNAPLs in a subsurface system is an important research area in geoenvironmental engineering.In this paper,geotechnical centrifuge technique was used to study BTEX transport in unsaturated soils.Experimental results showed that mechanism of LNAPLs transport was affected by physical properties of each compound and hydrogeological condition of the site.The BTEX from UST moved downwards and formed a pool of free product above the water table,then spread along the ground water surface.Leakage and long term migration of BTEX will pollute soils and ground water.Test results supplies valuable data for studying LNAPLs migration pattern,contamination extent and remedial technique.