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  • 美国工程索引(EI)收录期刊
  • Scopus数据库收录期刊
MENG Shangjiu, YUAN Xiaoming, SUN Rui. Study on mechanism of earthquakeinduced differential settlement of building by shaking table test[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 747-751.
Citation: MENG Shangjiu, YUAN Xiaoming, SUN Rui. Study on mechanism of earthquakeinduced differential settlement of building by shaking table test[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002, 24(6): 747-751.

Study on mechanism of earthquakeinduced differential settlement of building by shaking table test

More Information
  • Published Date: November 21, 2002
  • The shaking table test of SSI is conducted to study mechanism of the earthquakeinduced differential settlement of building due to earthquake in the paper.For symmetrical building and subsoil under one dimensional incidence of the seismic waves, the test results indicate: (1) distribution of the ground motion and the dynamic stress under the building are quite different from those in the free site, and the vertical acceleration and vertical dynamic stress at symmetrical places in the soil are antisymmetrical; (2) the antisymmetrical dynamic stress below the building can produce the differential settlement of the building. Therefore, the irregularity of the seismic waves is an important factor in evaluation of the earthquakeinduced differential settlements of building and subsoil.


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