Theory of geotechnical strain hardening index and its rationale from fractional order calculus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(5).
Theory of geotechnical strain hardening index and its rationale from fractional order calculus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(5).
Theory of geotechnical strain hardening index and its rationale from fractional order calculus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(5).
Theory of geotechnical strain hardening index and its rationale from fractional order calculus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(5).
The curvature of stress-strain curves from triaxial tests on harden soil is a reflection of hardening ability, but there isn’t a parameter of hardening ability in geotechnical mechanics. In order to gain such a parameter that can help us to know plasticity and proper bearing capacity of soil, a theory of geotechnical strain hardening index (TAGSHI) in response to exponential equation (an empirical equation) which Hollomon established from experience in metal tensile deformation is developed. Based on a lot of triaxial tests, it is shown that the assumption in TAGSHI is right, which thinks that stress-strain relationship of soil is the power function in triaxial tests, and the strain hardening index may reflect geotechnical hardening ability. As we all know that geotechnical mechanical property should be intermediate between that of an ideal solid and an ideal fluid, so its stress-strain relation should neither follow the Hook’s law nor obey the Newton's law of viscosity, and it should be consistent with the fractional expression , ( ). The geotechnical stress-strain relation is derived by applying the theory of fractional order calculus operator under the condition of loading with constant strain rate. The analytic results show that the geotechnical stress-strain curves exhibit power relation, and it is consistent with the assumption in TAGSHI. This indicates that the fractional expression , ( ) can give a rationale for TAGSHI.