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LU Huaxi, LIANG Pingying, SHANG Shouping. Computational analysis of dynamic layered soil-pile-structure interaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(5): 705-711.
Citation: LU Huaxi, LIANG Pingying, SHANG Shouping. Computational analysis of dynamic layered soil-pile-structure interaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(5): 705-711.

Computational analysis of dynamic layered soil-pile-structure interaction

More Information
  • Published Date: May 14, 2007
  • 3D finite element analysis of layered soil-pile-structure model test on a scale of 1∶2 was carried out.General finite element program MSC.Marc was adopted in the analysis.The viscous-spring artificial boundary considering the dynamic nonlinear behaviors of soil was used to simulate the far field,and the 3D contact model was applied to simulate the effect of separating,sliding and pile uplifting in the dynamic soil-pile interaction.At the same time,the problem of the energy dissipation during dynamic interaction was solved by adding the damping component,and common equivalent linearity model was chosen to consider the non-linearity of soil.The rationality of computational model and analysis method was verified through comparison between the calculated and test results.The present work laid a foundation for further studies on dynamic soil-structure interaction.
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