For 2D slope reinforcement DEM simulation, the first consideration is the conversion of anti-sliding structure into a 2D model. There are two mechanical models and corresponding calculation methods of embedding section of anti-sliding piles, which are classified into rigid pile model and elastic pile model according to the relative rigidity of pile-soil system. Laws governing the elastic anti-sliding pile model are brought forward from formula deduction. First, the strain of the pile is in inverse proportion to its EI and in positive correlation to the force acting on it. Second, the stress of the pile is independent of EI and in positive correlation to the force acting on it. The two rules are also correct for the rigid anti-sliding model. Under these rules, considering a line of piles with a distance of d in a 2D simulation model of unitage of thickness, the force acting on the pile is only 1/d of the actual value, considering EI of the pile to be converted to its 1/d, then the realistic strain can be yielded through simulation, and the stress obtained is 1/d of the actual value, which is only in positive correlation to the force. Four different transformation examples of EI are calculated. Results show that the same strain and stress can be obtained under the four situations, no matter we just change E to E/d, or just I to I/d, or both E and I of the pile to make its EI become 1/d of the actual value. A similar soil slope project of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway is simulated using this method, and the strain and stress of anti-sliding piles are agreed with the actual rules.