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AN Guanfeng, XU Bin. Penalty FEM analysis of combined structure of pile (soil) and platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(6): 686-690.
Citation: AN Guanfeng, XU Bin. Penalty FEM analysis of combined structure of pile (soil) and platform[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(6): 686-690.

Penalty FEM analysis of combined structure of pile (soil) and platform

More Information
  • Published Date: November 23, 2000
  • The 3DFEM software has been developed for pile foundation. The solid element has been employed to simulate soil and pile,and plate element is used to simulate platform of pile foundation.Penalty element is used to guarantee the harmony of displacement on the nodes which belong to not only solid element but also plate element. The numerical check has proved that the built penalty element is quite effective. On the above base, the software has been employed to analyze the creep settlement, axial stress and friction stress of pile foundation,and some useful conclusions have been drawn.
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