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Research on the tunneling methods in saturated loess
LI Ning, ZHU Yunming, XIE Dingyi, GUO Zengyu
2000, 22(6): 639-642.
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Research on settlement of soft clay ground in Lianyungang
ZHAO Jiuzhai
2000, 22(6): 643-649.
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The integral equation method to solve pile group problem considering the consolidation and rheology of soil
LU Jianfei, WANG Jianhua, SHEN Weiping
2000, 22(6): 650-653.
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A quasi-analytical solution to longitudinal vibration of pile with variable sections and its application
WANG Teng, WANG Kuihua, XIE Kanghe
2000, 22(6): 654-658.
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Some problems in triaxial test on saturated sands
CHEN Chunlin, ZHANG Huiming
2000, 22(6): 659-663.
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Coupling relationship for electrochemical hydrodynamics in water-saturated sandy soil and clayey soil
GUAN Jiteng, FANG Wenjing
2000, 22(6): 664-667.
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The spatial probabilistic characteristics of strength indexes for Taiyuan silty clay
LI Xiaoyong, XIE Kanghe, SHI Meiyun, BAI Xiaohong
2000, 22(6): 668-672.
Abstract PDF
Dispersion appraisal and modification analyses of the impervious soil materials for the core wall of the dam of “635” water control project
DENG Mingjiang, ZHOU Xiaobing, WAN Jinping, LUO Weilin, DONG Anjian
2000, 22(6): 673-677.
Abstract PDF
Contaminant resistant mechanism of filledearth layer in waste disposal site
ZHANG Lianhua, KONG Defang, LI Rongqiang
2000, 22(6): 678-681.
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Cyclic triaxial tests with controlled elastic shear modulus of specimen
HUANG Bo, CHEN Yunmin, YIN Jianhua, WU Shiming
2000, 22(6): 682-685.
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Penalty FEM analysis of combined structure of pile (soil) and platform
AN Guanfeng, XU Bin
2000, 22(6): 686-690.
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Research on the horizontal bearing capacity of bucket foundations
LIU Zhenwen, WANG Jianhua, QIN Chongren, YUAN Zhongli, CHEN Guoxiang
2000, 22(6): 691-695.
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Numerical simulation on influence of mesoscopic heterogeneity on macroscopic behavior of rock failure
FU Yufang, LIANG Zhengzhao, TANG Chunan
2000, 22(6): 705-710.
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Reliability assessment of rockbolt reinforced underground structures influenced by seepage and underground stress field
LIU Ning, SHAO GuoJian, WANG Yuan
2000, 22(6): 711-715.
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The rock damage and strength study based on ultrasonic velocity
ZHAO Mingjie, XU Rong
2000, 22(6): 720-722.
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Foundation parameter identification under the condition of unknown motion input from the base rock
LIU Zengrong, HUANG Yi
2000, 22(6): 723-726.
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Coupling of FEM and DDA Method
CHENG Yungming, ZHANG Yonghui, WANG Kejun
2000, 22(6): 727-730.
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