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ZHU Wu, ZHANG Qin, ZHU Jian-jun, HUANG Guan-wen, WANG Yan-ping, ZHU Hong-hu, HU Wei, HU Jun. Real-time monitoring and early warning technology for huge landslides[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 44(7): 1341-1350. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202207012
Citation: ZHU Wu, ZHANG Qin, ZHU Jian-jun, HUANG Guan-wen, WANG Yan-ping, ZHU Hong-hu, HU Wei, HU Jun. Real-time monitoring and early warning technology for huge landslides[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 44(7): 1341-1350. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202207012

Real-time monitoring and early warning technology for huge landslides

More Information
  • Received Date: March 04, 2022
  • Available Online: September 22, 2022
  • The huge landslide will bring severe losses of people's lives and properties due to its characteristics of large volume, strong concealment, strong abruptness and strong destructiveness. The real-time monitoring and early warning of the huge landslide is critical for disaster prevention and mitigation. Comparisons with the international technologies suggest that the current monitoring equipments for landslides are difficult to realize the tracing and real-time monitoring. In order to improve the level of disaster prevention and mitigation, the National Key Research and Development program "Real-time monitoring and early warning technology for huge landslides" was approved during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The monitoring equipments for landslides with low-cost, large field of view, intelligence, high-precision have been produced through the researches on the dynamic tracking, real-time monitoring and early warning of landslides. A real-time monitoring and early warning system with multi-sensors is constructed. This system has successfully warned several landslide events, which leads to the zero casualties and zero-property losses. The program improves the level of disaster prevention and mitigation of landslides.
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