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20-202309-G22-0384一文审稿意见与作者答复 Download(500KB)20-202309-G22-0384一文审稿意见与作者答复
Figures of the Article
Analytical model for step-tapered pile
Sketch of distribution of vertical shaft shear stress
Internal forces and deformations of a beam element
Flow chart for calculation of pile response
Comparison between proposed analytical method and field test data
Comparison of load-displacement responses between proposed analytical method and field test data
Relationship between moment and curvature of pile section
Comparison of load-displacement responses between proposed analytical method and field test data
Pile responses under different L1/L (Ht=200 kN)
Pile responses under different D2/D1 (Ht= 200 kN)
Pile responses under different E2/E1 (Ht= 200kN)
Relationship among L1/L, D2/D1, E2/E1 and ∆Hu/Hu0
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