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SONG Jian, GAO Guang-yun. Empirical predictive model for seismic displacement of slopes under velocity pulse-like ground motions[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(11): 2009-2017.
Citation: SONG Jian, GAO Guang-yun. Empirical predictive model for seismic displacement of slopes under velocity pulse-like ground motions[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(11): 2009-2017.

Empirical predictive model for seismic displacement of slopes under velocity pulse-like ground motions

More Information
  • Received Date: April 24, 2013
  • Published Date: November 19, 2013
  • Based on the procedure to identify the velocity pulse for multi-component ground motions, 196 ground motions from NGA database and Wenchuan Earthquake are selected as pulse-like ground motions. The newmark decoupled model considering the nonlinear properties of soils is used to calculate the seismic displacement of slopes with different parameters (ky, Ts) subjected to near-fault pulse-like ground motions, and the efficiency of different pulse-like ground motion parameters for predicting the displacement is also investigated. A seismic displacement model for the slopes under near-fault pulse-like ground motions is developed. The results indicate that the existing empirical models for seismic displacement of slopes significantly underestimate the displacement value induced by near-fault pulse-like ground motions, while they can be used to predict the seismic displacement caused by near-fault non-pulse ground motions. A close relationship between the seismic displacement and the velocity pulse characteristics for the pulse-like ground motions is shown, and the peak ground velocity (PGV) is the most efficient parameter in terms of the seismic displacement. The spectral acceleration at a degrade period equals to 1.5Ts (Sa(1.5Ts)) and PGV can represent the frequency content and velocity pulse characteristics of the pulse-like ground motions, respectively. Thus, an empirical predictive model for seismic displacements is developed using the vector intensity measures of Sa(1.5Ts) and PGV, which can be used in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the seismic displacement including the effects of near-fault pulse-like characteristics.
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