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YAN Fu-gen, MIAO Zheng-jian, LI Ming-chao, ZHONG Deng-hua. Visual analysis for grouting engineering of dam foundation based on 3D geological model[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(3): 567-572.
Citation: YAN Fu-gen, MIAO Zheng-jian, LI Ming-chao, ZHONG Deng-hua. Visual analysis for grouting engineering of dam foundation based on 3D geological model[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(3): 567-572.

Visual analysis for grouting engineering of dam foundation based on 3D geological model

More Information
  • Received Date: July 28, 2011
  • Published Date: March 29, 2012
  • By means of Struts and Hibernate techniques, the grouting data are collected and sorted and converted to grouting hole model in grouting analysis system. Then the coupling between 3D geological model and grouting hole model is achieved. Visual analysis of the effect of grouting is based on the coupling model. The 3D geological model is cut along any grouting platoon so as to reveal the vertical distribution of unfavorable geologic body. The color attribytes of grouting hole model with larger unit grouting are changed, and the corresponding 3D geological model is coupled to achieve the visual analysis of the unit grouting. The comprehensive profiles automatically generating are based on grouting parameters, in which geological conditions will be coupled, and the geologic information will be shown in the comprehensive profiles. The geological information of any grouting hole model is digitalized to learn the grouting hole model whether or not to go through unfavorable geologic body and their elevations. On the basis of construction unit, statistical analysis for unit grouting and geological information is performed. Application examples show that the visual analysis of grouting engineering based on 3D geological model can effectively guide the grouting process and obtain a timely and effective feedback to grouting effects, and it will provide a reliable basis for decision-making of project management so as to improve the efficiency and level of work.
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