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WU Chang-jiang, ZHANG Zi-xin, DING Wen-qi, ZHANG Deng-yu. I nfluences of construction of side-crossing shield tunnel on adjacent ancient architectures and reinforcement effect of protection measures[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(1): 158-165.
Citation: WU Chang-jiang, ZHANG Zi-xin, DING Wen-qi, ZHANG Deng-yu. I nfluences of construction of side-crossing shield tunnel on adjacent ancient architectures and reinforcement effect of protection measures[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(1): 158-165.

I nfluences of construction of side-crossing shield tunnel on adjacent ancient architectures and reinforcement effect of protection measures

More Information
  • Received Date: November 25, 2010
  • Published Date: January 19, 2012
  • Based on the side-crossing construction of Shanghai Metro line No. 11 close to the ancient architectures, numerical simulation and field monitoring are employed to study the settlement of the adjacent ancient architectures induced by the construction of MJS piles and the side-crossing of newly shield-driven tunnel. The influences on the buildings during the whole construction process can be divided into three stages: disturbance of pre-reinforced piles and crossing of up and down lines. The stage of pre-construction of MJS piles has the most remarkable impact. Due to the protection of MJS piles, the stages of crossing of up and down lines have the second largest and the smallest impacts, respectively. In addition, because of the construction of piles and the existing buildings at the left side of the tunnel, the settlement trough differs from the traditional one, and the distribution of horizontal displacement obviously changes. Moreover, due to the protection of isolation piles, the settlement produced by shield driving greatly decreases. Finally, the field monitoring data agree with the numerical results. The accuracy and rationality of the numerical simulation method is validated.
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