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LUO Yu-long, SU Bao-yu, SHENG Jin-chang, ZHAN Mei-li. New understandings on piping mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1895-1902.
Citation: LUO Yu-long, SU Bao-yu, SHENG Jin-chang, ZHAN Mei-li. New understandings on piping mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1895-1902.

New understandings on piping mechanism

More Information
  • Published Date: December 14, 2011
  • A new piping mechanism is proposed based on the real stress state of undisturbed soil: piping is a multi-phase and multi-field coupling phenomenon involving numerous complicated mechanical behaviors, such as pore water seepage, fluidized particle erosion and migration, and deformation of porous media. Based on summarizing and reviewing the new achievements of the piping mechanism, the general idea on the future studies is proposed: firstly, a list of triaxial compression seepage-erosion-stress coupling piping experiments is put forward, and the coupling piping constitutive equations revealing the seepage-erosion-stress coupling mechanism are established based on the coupling experiments. Then the seepage-erosion-stress coupling piping mathematical model for predicting undisturbed soil is proposed based on the solute transport theory. The key scientific problems including the repeatability of coupling experiments and efficient solution strategy for the multi-phase and multi-field full coupling pure convection piping model are also put forward. The proposed new piping mechanism provides a new point of view on the essence of piping, and the future research results will be of significance to the prediction and treatment of embankment piping. The proposed new piping mechanism provides a new point of view on the essence of piping, and the future research results will be of significance to the prediction and treatment of embankment piping.
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