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YU Guang-ming, SONG Chuan-wang, WU Yan-xia, PAN Yong-zhan, LI Ran. Engineering characteristics and key problems of security monitoring informatization for tailings dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 49-53.
Citation: YU Guang-ming, SONG Chuan-wang, WU Yan-xia, PAN Yong-zhan, LI Ran. Engineering characteristics and key problems of security monitoring informatization for tailings dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 49-53.

Engineering characteristics and key problems of security monitoring informatization for tailings dams

More Information
  • Received Date: April 26, 2011
  • Published Date: November 30, 2011
  • The tailings dam is a special rock and soil engineering, and it is also a man-made mine industrial structure with high potential energy debris flow. The stability of the tailings dam decides the security of tailings pond. The researches on stability of the tailings dam is the forefront topic in geotechnical engineering field that is difficult to work out. Its structural features, geometric shapes, service mode, environmental media and mechanical behavior are considered. Its special nature and complexity of the tailings dam are summarized. The technical approaches for the safety management of the tailings dam are proposed, which is the on-line automatic monitoring and early warning information. It can provide a strong theoretical basis for the security monitoring and management of the tailings dam. The on-line automatic monitoring system for the tailings dam has full implementation of the information. It is applied in Lingnan Gold Mine, Xiadian Gold Mine and Hedong Gold Mine in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, and achieves good effectiveness.
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