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CAI Yuanqiang, DING Guangya, XU Changjie. Screening of plane S waves by a row of elastic piles in saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(7): 964-969.
Citation: CAI Yuanqiang, DING Guangya, XU Changjie. Screening of plane S waves by a row of elastic piles in saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(7): 964-969.

Screening of plane S waves by a row of elastic piles in saturated soil

More Information
  • Published Date: July 14, 2008
  • A row of elastic piles used as a screening barrier for plane S waves was investigated in a homogeneous unbounded space.Based on the Biot’s dynamic equations,the inertia force of the skeletal frame and the fluid was considered.Using the Fourier-Bessel series,the problem of multiple scattering was analytically solved imposing continuity conditions at the soil-pile interfaces with a set of cylindrical coordinate systems and the translational addition theorem.Finally,the effect of the intrinsic permeability of saturated soil,number of piles and pile spacings on the screening of elastic waves was investigated and compared with that under elastic conditions.It was shown that there was a difference between the screening effectiveness in saturated soil and that in elastic soil,and the intrinsic permeability of saturated soil displayed an apparent effect on the screening of elastic waves.
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