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Liu Chun. Experimental research on bearing capacity of belled pile in weak soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1998, 20(6): 40-44.
Citation: Liu Chun. Experimental research on bearing capacity of belled pile in weak soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1998, 20(6): 40-44.

Experimental research on bearing capacity of belled pile in weak soil

More Information
  • Published Date: November 19, 1998
  • Field tests of belled pile(hand dug) instrumented with strainometers and pressure transducers have been conducted in Fuzhou in order to study shaft load transfer mechanism. Based on the results and the analysis of 300 static axial load tests, the formulas for calculating bearing capacity of belled pile and ultimate end bearing value of soil layers in Fuzhou Region are obtained.The influence of different size of enlarged base on the bearing capacity of pile is discussed with the help of model tests.
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