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ZHANG Junjie, GU Xingwen, REN Guofeng, ZHOU Chuner, WANG Nianxiang. Centrifugal model tests on deformation characteristics of pile-net composite foundation under super-large loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(S1): 212-216. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2024S10048
Citation: ZHANG Junjie, GU Xingwen, REN Guofeng, ZHOU Chuner, WANG Nianxiang. Centrifugal model tests on deformation characteristics of pile-net composite foundation under super-large loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(S1): 212-216. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2024S10048

Centrifugal model tests on deformation characteristics of pile-net composite foundation under super-large loads

More Information
  • Received Date: April 28, 2024
  • The CFG pile-net composite foundation is widely used to reinforce soft soil foundation. The geotechnical centrifugal model tests are carried out to study the deformation characteristics of the CFG pile-net composite foundation under super to large loads in the storage yard of a wharf. The foundation, CFG piles, root piles, reinforced cushion, dust net foundation, track beam foundation and ore loads are simulated in the tests. The variation laws of surface settlement, horizontal displacement of track beam foundation and displacement of foundation profile of the composite foundation are analyzed under super-large loads. The settlement rate of the composite foundation is within the stability control standard, and the settlement meets the requirements of the storage yard. The horizontal displacement and settlement of the dust net foundation and the track beam foundation are small. The settlement component of composite foundation is much larger than the horizontal displacement one. The test results show that the CFG pile-net composite foundation is stable and safe under the load of 350 kPa, and the foundation reinforcement has achieved the expected effects.
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