JIANG Jie, HUANG Mao-song, LI Bo, GU Qian-yan. Analysis on settlement of piled raft foundations under repeated loading and verification by centrifugal model tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(12): 1811-1817.
JIANG Jie, HUANG Mao-song, LI Bo, GU Qian-yan. Analysis on settlement of piled raft foundations under repeated loading and verification by centrifugal model tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(12): 1811-1817.
JIANG Jie, HUANG Mao-song, LI Bo, GU Qian-yan. Analysis on settlement of piled raft foundations under repeated loading and verification by centrifugal model tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(12): 1811-1817.
JIANG Jie, HUANG Mao-song, LI Bo, GU Qian-yan. Analysis on settlement of piled raft foundations under repeated loading and verification by centrifugal model tests[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 31(12): 1811-1817.
1.Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2.China Shipbuilding NDRI Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200063,China;3.Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
Based on an improved layered foundation model,the interaction of piles-soil-raft is taken into account to formulate a nonlinear method for the analysis of piled raft foundations.Considering the variation of layered soil properties,the Burmister stress solution of multilayered elastic half-space is applied to calculate the additional stress in soils and the layer-wise summation method is used to calculate the settlement of soils.An analysis method for predicting the settlement of piled raft foundations under repeated loading is then proposed by employing soil parameters of one-dimensional compression modulus and one-dimensional resilient modulus,which can be easily determined from one-dimensional loading and unloading laboratory tests.Centrifugal model tests are performed to examine the load transfer character of a single pile and the settlement of a piled raft foundation.A comparison between experimental and calculated results is carried out,and the correctness of the proposed method is validated.