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LI De-jian, JIA Wen-tao, CHENG Xiao, ZHAO Lian-heng, ZHANG Ying-bin, YU Peng-cheng. Stability of stepped sliding of bedding rock slopes with discontinuous joints[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 44(11): 2125-2134. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202211019
Citation: LI De-jian, JIA Wen-tao, CHENG Xiao, ZHAO Lian-heng, ZHANG Ying-bin, YU Peng-cheng. Stability of stepped sliding of bedding rock slopes with discontinuous joints[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 44(11): 2125-2134. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202211019

Stability of stepped sliding of bedding rock slopes with discontinuous joints

More Information
  • Received Date: November 15, 2021
  • Available Online: December 08, 2022
  • The bedding rock landslides with stepped sliding surface are common in engineering, and the characteristics of rock bridges and joints are very important to the formation of stepped sliding surface. The weakening characteristics of the strength parameters of rock bridges and joints are considered. The models for stability of stepped sliding of bedding slopes are established. The results show that the accuracy of the model is verified by comparing with the planar failure model. In addition, the fracture connectivity rate kY, basic friction angle φb, roughness coefficient JRC and weakening coefficient Kc have significant influences on Fs. In this mode, the greater β3 is, the more significant the reduction of Fs is, and the more unstable the slope is. In addition, the excavation times and slope angle have significant influences on the slope stability. The difference rate between the proposed method and the limit equilibrium solution is less than 1%. In some cases, when the joint surfaces are exposed by excavation, Fs is significantly reduced (the reduction of 22.8% when β=53°), which easily leads to the occurrence of landslides. Meanwhile, with an increase in angle β1 of tensile cracks and height hw of water, Fs significantly decreases. The water pressure is more significant when the outlets are blocked, and the rock slope is most unstable.
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