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SUN Guang-chao, KONG Gang-qiang, LI Jian-lin, LUO Ya. Model tests on dynamic response of XCC pile-raft composite foundation under different embankment heights[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(S2): 45-50. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2021S2011
Citation: SUN Guang-chao, KONG Gang-qiang, LI Jian-lin, LUO Ya. Model tests on dynamic response of XCC pile-raft composite foundation under different embankment heights[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(S2): 45-50. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2021S2011

Model tests on dynamic response of XCC pile-raft composite foundation under different embankment heights

More Information
  • Received Date: August 15, 2021
  • Available Online: December 05, 2022
  • In order to investigate the influences of embankment height on the dynamic response of pile-raft composite foundation, a large-scale model test on the cast-in-situ X-shaped concrete (referred to as XCC) pile-raft composite foundation is carried out in a model box of 5 m× 4 m×7 m. Four different embankment heights are modeled as the dead loads, and the cyclic wheel axle load is applied to the raft so as to obtain the dynamic response with the dead loads (i.e., embankment height). The results show that the velocity response decreases by 34% ~ 40% from the top of the raft to 0.36 m depth of foundation due to the existence of a gravel cushion. The vibration of the raft caused by the axle load decreases gradually with the increasing dead loads. The relationship between the velocity response of the raft v' and the dead load x is defined by the equation, v' = 12.648-0.519x+0.007x2. Both the dynamic soil stress on the surface of the foundation σsd and the dynamic stress at the top of the pile σpd decrease linearly with the increasing dead loads x. The former is defined by the equation σsd= 7.629-0.085x, whereas the latter is defined by σpd= 284.978-3.660x.
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