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JIANG Yan-bin, HE Ning, XU Bin-hua, ZHOU Yan-zhang, ZHANG Zhong-liu. Model tests on negative pressure distribution in vacuum preloading[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(10): 1874-1883. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201710016
Citation: JIANG Yan-bin, HE Ning, XU Bin-hua, ZHOU Yan-zhang, ZHANG Zhong-liu. Model tests on negative pressure distribution in vacuum preloading[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(10): 1874-1883. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201710016

Model tests on negative pressure distribution in vacuum preloading

More Information
  • Received Date: August 02, 2016
  • Published Date: October 24, 2017
  • The rule of negative pressure distribution is an important subject in the studies on vacuum preloading mechanism. By discussing the spatial distribution characteristics of vacuum preloading and the associated concepts, the negative pressure is defined in a broad sense, and the methods and influencing factors for the negative pressure measurement are analyzed. The tests are carried out, with a well-designed large scale indoor model 15 m in vertical height, to study the negative pressure distribution in vacuum preloading. The test results show that there is hysteresis effect in vacuum measurement in saturated clay soil, and the limit depth where vacuum exists is 8.9 m. The pore water pressure and vacuum degree in drain board exhibit a symmetrical linear distribution above zero pressure plane at the vacuum stable stage, and the slope is similar to hydrostatic pressure gradient. The negative pressure distribution along the depth is of piecewise linear type, due to the energy consumption in water lifting, attenuation is found in the unsaturated soil above the underground water level, and the average attenuation value is 21.4 kPa in the stable period. The negative pressure is uniform with no attenuation under the average water level, and the corresponding average negative pressure is -67.0 kPa within the depth scope of drainage board in the stable period. Based on the experimental results and the flow pattern distribution of gas-liquid two-phase flow in the equivalent drainage tube, the piecewise linear negative pressure boundary of the vertical drainage board in the stable period of vacuum preloading is put forward.
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