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JIA Li-xiang, SHI Bin, WEI Guang-qing, ZHANG Zheng, TONG Heng-jin. Fiber Bragg grating test system and model tests based on geotechnical centrifuge[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(5): 896-905. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201705014
Citation: JIA Li-xiang, SHI Bin, WEI Guang-qing, ZHANG Zheng, TONG Heng-jin. Fiber Bragg grating test system and model tests based on geotechnical centrifuge[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 39(5): 896-905. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201705014

Fiber Bragg grating test system and model tests based on geotechnical centrifuge

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  • Received Date: March 20, 2016
  • Published Date: May 24, 2017
  • The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology has many advantages such as associate distribution, high precision, anti-electromagnetic, real-time monitoring, etc., and the sensors can be miniaturized according to monitoring objects. A set of FBG sensing monitoring system is introduced, including the software and hardware of the system, the FBG demodulator, the miniaturization of the sensors and the manufacturing process sensing models for anchors, pile foundation, inclinometer pipes and retaining walls. The monitoring data show that the system can be availably applied to geotechnical centrifuge model for multi-parameter monitoring, and it is of advantages such as simple structure, abundant test content, high precision, high range, anti-electromagnetic interference and stable performances. The matching FBG sensors are light and small and can be arranged in the way of associate distribution so as to form an overall monitoring network. The FBG monitoring system may provide a new method for the measurement of geotechnical model tests.
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