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Stability analysis of slopes under drawdown condition of reservoirs
ZHENG Yingren, TANG Xiaosong
2007, 29(8): 1115-1121.
Abstract PDF
Development of dilatancy theory and constitutive model of sand
CAI Zhengyin, LI Xiangsong
2007, 29(8): 1122-1128.
Abstract PDF
Geotechnical engineering problems associated with construction of water resources projects in western China
WANG Xiaogang, XING Yichuan, ZHAO Jianming, ZHANG Wenxuan
2007, 29(8): 1129-1134.
Abstract PDF
Representative elementary volume and mechanical parameters of fractured rock masses
ZHOU Chuangbing, CHEN Yifeng, JIANG Qinghui
2007, 29(8): 1135-1142.
Abstract PDF
New concept of design for high concrete face rockfill dams
LI Nenghui
2007, 29(8): 1143-1150.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on mechanical behaviour of granular material
CHENG Zhanlin, DING Hongshun, WU Liangping
2007, 29(8): 1151-1158.
Abstract PDF
Slope stability analysis of limit equilibrium finite element method based on the Dijkstra algorithm
XU Weiya, ZHOU Jiawen, DENG Junye, SHI Chong, ZHANG Zongliang
2007, 29(8): 1159-1172.
Abstract PDF
Three dimensional viscoelastic model of RCCD
GU Chongshi, LEI Peng, LI Yun, HUANG Guangming, FANG Haiting
2007, 29(8): 1173-1177.
Abstract PDF
Practices and researches of soil exploration under complicated topographic and geologic conditions
TAO Zhongping
2007, 29(8): 1178-1183.
Abstract PDF
Design and technical innovation of rockfill dam projects
ZHANG Zongliang
2007, 29(8): 1184-1193.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of large diameter rock-socketed piles under lateral loads
WANG Jianhua, CHEN Jinjian, KE Xue
2007, 29(8): 1194-1198.
Abstract PDF
Study on uplift behavior of pipelines based on post-liquefaction deformation method
KONG Xianjing, ZOU Degao
2007, 29(8): 1199-1204.
Abstract PDF
Back analysis and prediction for displacement of surrounding rock around model tunnel of a powerstation
QI Junxiu, WANG Lianjie, LIU Fengcheng, WANG Wei, DONG Cheng
2007, 29(8): 1205-1210.
Abstract PDF
Study on test methods and geotechnical properties of soda residue
WANG Fang, XU Zhuqing, YAN Lixue, CAO Pei
2007, 29(8): 1211-1214.
Abstract PDF
Study on the constitutive model of transversely isotropic frozen soil
WANG Zhengzhong, YUAN Si, CHEN Tao
2007, 29(8): 1215-1218.
Abstract PDF
Researches on expression and partial coefficients of anti-sliding stability of gravity dams
CHANG Xiaolin, HUANG Dongjun, JIANG Chunyan, CAO Quxiu
2007, 29(8): 1219-1223.
Abstract PDF
Anisotropic bounding surface model for natural structured clays
WEI Xing, HUANG Maosong
2007, 29(8): 1224-1229.
Abstract PDF
Back analysis of creep deformation and study on safety of Meixi CFRD built on riverbed alluvium
ZHAO Kuizhi, LI Guoying
2007, 29(8): 1230-1235.
Abstract PDF
Computation of 3D safety factor of asymmetric and rotational slopes
ZHU Dayong, DING Xiuli, DU Junhui, DENG Jianhui
2007, 29(8): 1236-1239.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on bonding mechanism between corroded bolts and grout
XIA Ning, REN Qingwen, CAO Maosen
2007, 29(8): 1240-1243.
Abstract PDF
3D numerical analysis of time effect of superstructure-piled raft-foundation
CUI Chunyi, LUAN Maotian, YANG Qing, NIAN Tingkai
2007, 29(8): 1244-1250.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of bearing performance of composite foundation with cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe piles under vertical loads
ZHANG Bo, LIU Hanlong
2007, 29(8): 1251-1255.
Abstract PDF
Stress path analysis on working behaviors of soil nailing
HE Ruolan, ZHANG Ping, LIU Baochen
2007, 29(8): 1256-1259.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on mechanical property of cemented soil under environmental contaminations
BAI Xiaohong, ZHAO Yongqiang, HAN Pengju, QIAO Junyi, WU Zhian
2007, 29(8): 1260-1263.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of finite element method for early warning of landslide
YU Yuzhen, LIN Hung chou, LI Guangxin
2007, 29(8): 1264-1267.
Abstract PDF
Zonation of landslide hazards based on weights of evidence model
WANG Zhiwang, LI Duanyou, WANG Xianggui
2007, 29(8): 1268-1273.
Abstract PDF
Fabric theory on creep deformation mechanism for high rockfill dams
ZHOU Wei, HU Ying, YAN Shengcun
2007, 29(8): 1274-1278.
Abstract PDF