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Water stability of Xiangjing expansive soils and their mechanical effect
KONG Lingwei, GUO Aiguo, ZHAO Yingwen, CHEN Shanxiong
2004, 26(6): 727-732.
Abstract PDF
An integral equation approach and parametric analysis for piled raft foundation
CHEN Longzhu, LIANG Fayun
2004, 26(6): 733-738.
Abstract PDF
A study on influence of excavated shallow tunnel on design parameters of ground motion in the soft site
CHEN Guoxing, ZHUANG Haiyang, XU Ye
2004, 26(6): 739-744.
Abstract PDF
Behavior of long PHC piles driven in Shanghai soft clay
ZHU Hehua, XIE Yongjian, WANG Huaizhong
2004, 26(6): 745-749.
Abstract PDF
Application of cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe piles in soft soil improvement of expressways
YANG Shousong, LIU Hanlong, ZHOU Yundong, FEI Kang
2004, 26(6): 750-754.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical analysis and measurement for widening project of Hang-Yong Expressway
JIA Ning, CHEN Renpeng, CHEN Yunmin, XU Lixin, YANG Shaohua
2004, 26(6): 755-760.
Abstract PDF
Design consideration of pile foundations of high speed rail project in seismic area
CHEN Ming-shan, DUANN Shaw-wei, WHANG Yuang-her, CHIN Chung-tien
2004, 26(6): 761-766.
Abstract PDF
Elastic analytic solution to the displacement and stress distribution in the soil around laterally loaded piles
ZHAO Minghua, ZOU Xinjun, LUO Songnan, ZOU Yinsheng
2004, 26(6): 767-771.
Abstract PDF
New in-situ direct shear tests on rockfill materials at Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station Project
LIU Sihong, XIAO Gongyuan, YANG Jianzhou, WU Guangyin
2004, 26(6): 772-776.
Abstract PDF
Non-coaxiality for deformation bifurcation in soils
QIAN Jiangu, HUANG Maosong
2004, 26(6): 777-781.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the response to earthquake of the pile-soil-isolated structure interaction
ZOU Lihua, ZHAO Renda, ZHAO Jianchang
2004, 26(6): 782-786.
Abstract PDF
Influence of modulus of soil and reinforcement on stability analysis of slopes reinforced with geosynthetics
YU Zehong, ZOU Yinsheng, Wang Yisun
2004, 26(6): 787-791.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modeling of copper ion migration in unsaturated silty clay
ZHANG Jianhong, YAN Dong
2004, 26(6): 792-796.
Abstract PDF
A constitutive model and numerical simulation for coupled chemo-thermo-hydro-mechanical process in porous media
LIU Zejia, LI Xikui, WU Wenhua
2004, 26(6): 797-803.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on mechanical behaviors of existing cement-concrete pavement and soil subgrade in the process of impact compaction
TANG Xuejun, SU Weiguo
2004, 26(6): 804-808.
Abstract PDF
Impact of ballast grain sizes on natural convection cooling effect of embankment in permafrost regions
SUN Binxiang, XU Xuezu, LAI Yuanming, WANG Shuangjie, ZHANG Jinzhao
2004, 26(6): 809-814.
Abstract PDF
An analytical solution for dynamic stress concentration of underground cavities under incident plane P waves
LIANG Jianwen, ZHANG Hao, Vincent W. LEE
2004, 26(6): 815-819.
Abstract PDF
A study on damage statistical strength theory for rock
CAO Wengui, ZHAO Minghua, LIU Chengxue
2004, 26(6): 820-823.
Abstract PDF
Function of shearing stress in the process of acoustic emission in slotted rock mass
PANG Hu, ong, JIANG Fuxing
2004, 26(6): 824-827.
Abstract PDF
Mechanical analysis on anchorage segment of pressure-type cable
YOU Chunan
2004, 26(6): 828-831.
Abstract PDF
Modified gradient ratio (GR) test system with micro pore pressure transducer measurement
ZHANG Dave Ta teh, LI Nenghui, CHEN Bor Ling, FU Hsin ming
2004, 26(6): 832-837.
Abstract PDF
A Study on the damage propagation characteristics of rock under the frost and thaw condition
YANG Gengshe, ZHANG Quansheng, PU Yibin
2004, 26(6): 838-842.
Abstract PDF
Development of a shaking table in electro-hydraulic servo-control centrifuge
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2004, 26(6): 843-845.
Abstract PDF
Centrifuge modeling of the silty sand foundation of super-high fill
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2004, 26(6): 846-850.
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An experimental study on frost-heave characteristics of albic soils
2004, 26(6): 851-853.
Abstract PDF
Descriptions on some problems of stress-strain paths of soil
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2004, 26(6): 854-857.
Abstract PDF
Seepage control of thin cut-off wall of Zhoujiawan by the unsteady seepage flow method
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2004, 26(6): 858-862.
Abstract PDF
Triaxial tests on stress-strain of mud stone
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2004, 26(6): 863-865.
Abstract PDF
Weathering resistant design—An important aspect of future development of geotechnical engineering design
2004, 26(6): 866-869.
Abstract PDF