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Development & application of consolidation apparatus and direct shear apparatus for unsaturated soils
CHEN Zhenghan, HU Shengxia, SUN Shuguo, FANG Xiangwei, WEN Jun
2004, 26(2): 161-166.
Abstract PDF
Field study on behavior of composite piled raft foundation for high - rise buildings
CHEN Longzhu, LIANG Fayun, HUANG Dazhi, WANG Guocai
2004, 26(2): 167-171.
Abstract PDF
Stochastic model and numerical simulation of uniaxial loading test for rock and soil blending by 3D - DEM
LI Shihai, WANG Yuannian
2004, 26(2): 172-177.
Abstract PDF
The numerical analysis of constructional mechanical responses of Yangzong tunnel
JIANG Shuping, HU Xuebing
2004, 26(2): 178-182.
Abstract PDF
Static and dynamic stress-deformation behavior of high concrete faced rockfill dams in strong ground motion zone
LI Nenghui, LI Guoying, ZHAO Kuizhi, CHEN Tielin
2004, 26(2): 183-188.
Abstract PDF
Solution of circle plate on elastic layer of finite depth by rigid bar method
ZHANG Ziming, ZHENG Guofang, SONG Zhitong
2004, 26(2): 189-193.
Abstract PDF
Study on ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced slopes with full-scale model test
Richard Bathurst, TAO Lianjin
2004, 26(2): 194-197.
Abstract PDF
Influence of base rock condition on earthquake affecting coefficient
ZHU Qingjie, SU Youpo
2004, 26(2): 198-201.
Abstract PDF
Study on ANFIS-based approach for inverse design of with circular failure surface sliding slopes
DING Dexin, ZHANG Zhijun
2004, 26(2): 202-206.
Abstract PDF
Limitation of the Seed’s method of significant cyclic number in analyzing large deformation of soils during earthquake
YUAN Xiaoming, SUN Rui, MENG Shangjiu
2004, 26(2): 207-211.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical research of Hoek - Brown empirical strength criterion
LI Hongtao, ZUO Jianping, LI Hui
2004, 26(2): 212-215.
Abstract PDF
Observation of suction in a landslide
HUANG Runqiu, QI Guoqing
2004, 26(2): 216-219.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the non-stationary stochastic seismic responses of the underground structures
YAN Songhong, GAO Feng, LIANG Bo, GAO Bo
2004, 26(2): 220-224.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of shear band in clayey soils using finite deformation theory
XU Lianmin, WANG Xingran
2004, 26(2): 225-228.
Abstract PDF
Engineering properties of sand-loess from the Daliang region along the Wanjiazhai water diversion project
ZHANG Yongshuang, QU Yongxin
2004, 26(2): 229-233.
Abstract PDF
Study on the technique of soft-rock placement for CFRD
XING Haofeng, GONG Xiaonan, FU Haifeng, WANG Zhenghong
2004, 26(2): 234-238.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of excavation of shield tunnel
LIU Yuanxue, SHI Jianyong, XU Jiang, LIU Dongsheng
2004, 26(2): 239-243.
Abstract PDF
Fractal study on microstructure of clayey soil by GIS
WANG Baojun, SHI Bin, LIU Zhibin, CAI Yi
2004, 26(2): 244-247.
Abstract PDF
A study on two-dimensional Biot’s consolidation of saturated under cyclic loading
ZHU Boen, CAI Yuanqiang, LING Daosheng
2004, 26(2): 248-253.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on cyclic behavior of interface between soil and structure
2004, 26(2): 254-258.
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Development of uplift deformation of dam foundation and surrounding mountains of Jiangya water power station
QI Shengwen, WU Faquan
2004, 26(2): 259-262.
Abstract PDF
Finite element damping-extraction method for dynamic interaction time domain analysis of non-homogeneous unbounded rock
LI Jianbo, CHEN Jianyun, LIN Gao
2004, 26(2): 263-267.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of silt stabilization
LI Yingchun, QIAN Chunxiang, LIU Songyu, ZHU Zhiduo
2004, 26(2): 268-271.
Abstract PDF
Data processing of geotechnical experiment using MATLAB
JIN Xin, SHEN Zhujiang, LIU Chongru
2004, 26(2): 272-275.
Abstract PDF
Rock - coal model for studying the rockburst
LIU Jianxin, TANG Chunan, ZHU Wancheng, YANG Tianhong
2004, 26(2): 276-280.
Abstract PDF
Influence of humic acid and salt concentration on lime-stabilized ariake clays and microstructure research
Chirdchanin MODMOLTIN, LU Jiang, Katsutada ONITSUKA
2004, 26(2): 281-286.
Abstract PDF
Study on the influence of upon building settlement diaphragm wall trench construction
2004, 26(2): 287-289.
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Variation of pore pressure and liquefaction of soil in metro
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2004, 26(2): 290-292.
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Experimental study on improved Xiashu cohesive soil for express railrway subgrades
2004, 26(2): 293-295.
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Model test on unsaturated seepage of dike
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2004, 26(2): 296-298.
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Science advocates simplicity - Some remarks about adopting and adapting methods in geotechnical engineering
2004, 26(2): 299-300.
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