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Song Yongfa. The Experimental Research on the Base of Rock Bolt of the PoWer TranSmission Line[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1995, 17(4): 89-94.
Citation: Song Yongfa. The Experimental Research on the Base of Rock Bolt of the PoWer TranSmission Line[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1995, 17(4): 89-94.

The Experimental Research on the Base of Rock Bolt of the PoWer TranSmission Line

More Information
  • Published Date: July 27, 1995
  • Based on the prototype test result, this paper systematically analyzes the sliding and yielding of the steelbar,and the pull-out of the mortar column as a whole,as well as the mechanism of the shear failure of the rock,and the distribution of the internal force. The transverse force affecting the group of bolts is also analyzed in this pa-per.This paper concerns about the factors which affect the loading force,and calculates the corvesponding bendingforce. Thus,this paper points out that the redistributing intemal force in the rock bolt causes the weakest point todamage first,and that the transverse force has less effect on the intemal force in the group of bolts. Meanwhile,thepaper gives valuable data to the engineering project design.
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