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Luan Maotian, Lin Gao, Guo Ying. GeneralizedSliding-Wedge Method and lts Application to Stability Analysis in Soil Mechanics[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1995, 17(4): 1-9.
Citation: Luan Maotian, Lin Gao, Guo Ying. GeneralizedSliding-Wedge Method and lts Application to Stability Analysis in Soil Mechanics[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1995, 17(4): 1-9.

GeneralizedSliding-Wedge Method and lts Application to Stability Analysis in Soil Mechanics

More Information
  • Published Date: July 27, 1995
  • In this paper,a generalized sliding-wedge method for stability analysis of soil masses based on limit e-quilibrium concept is developed,in which the failure mechanism of soils can be duely taken into consideration.First,the whole sliding mass is discretized into a number of wedges or blocks with different configuration, Then force-equili brium or moment-equilibrium condition respectively for an individual wedge in translational or rotational medeis employed to establish the inter-relationship of interaction forces on interfaces between adjoining wedges. Further-more,by considering boundary condi tions,an explicit or implicit functional which states the relationship amongstability parameter and other unknowns required for defining failure mode can be recurrently derived.It can be tak-en as a objective function to be exetremized.By using the optimization techniques or trial-and-error procedures thecritical failure mechanism can be determined. As illustrative examples,the bearing capacity problem of foundation isanalyzed by this proposed method and a comparative study is made on the basis of numerical results.
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