Ju Qinghai, Wu Mianba. Experimental Studies of Dynamic Characteristic of Rocks under Triaxial Compression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, 15(3): 73-80.
Ju Qinghai, Wu Mianba. Experimental Studies of Dynamic Characteristic of Rocks under Triaxial Compression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, 15(3): 73-80.
Ju Qinghai, Wu Mianba. Experimental Studies of Dynamic Characteristic of Rocks under Triaxial Compression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, 15(3): 73-80.
Ju Qinghai, Wu Mianba. Experimental Studies of Dynamic Characteristic of Rocks under Triaxial Compression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1993, 15(3): 73-80.
Dynamic triaxiai tests of tuff and cgncrete were made under confining pressure 090 MPa and with axial strain rate (10-5101)/s. through RDT-1000 rock high confining pressure dynamic triaxiai apparatus. Failure strengthes and mechanical responses under shock dynamic action were studied systematically. Failure criterions and following characteristics of tuff and concrete under this condition were Obtained. Strain rates change linearly with the logarithm of loading rates; failure strengthes and deformation modula increase with the loading rates increase; Poisson’s ratio increase as loading rates’ decrease; the increases of confining pressure and reductions of loading rates can improve rocks plasticity, develop failure of plasto-shear type, otherwise develop brittle type of failure.