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Yan Ming-li. The Stress-strain Relationship Model for Remoulded Saturated Clay-loam[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1981, 3(4): 43-53.
Citation: Yan Ming-li. The Stress-strain Relationship Model for Remoulded Saturated Clay-loam[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1981, 3(4): 43-53.

The Stress-strain Relationship Model for Remoulded Saturated Clay-loam

More Information
  • Published Date: November 18, 1981
  • In this paper, according to the concept of two state boundary surfaces and using typical normaliztd behaviour of normally compressed clay, a nonlinear model of soil stress-strain relationship is developed. The model can reflect both nonlinear behaviour of stress-strain relationship of soil and cross effect of spherical stress and deviatoric stress on the strain.Four moduli describing properties of deformation of soil are introduced.It seems reasonable to describ soil stress-strain relationship by four moduli.
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