Monitoring of resistivity of sediment during consolidation process in Yellow River mouth[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(10).
Monitoring of resistivity of sediment during consolidation process in Yellow River mouth[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(10).
Monitoring of resistivity of sediment during consolidation process in Yellow River mouth[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(10).
Monitoring of resistivity of sediment during consolidation process in Yellow River mouth[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2010, 32(10).
Laboratory model tests are performed on the silty samples collected from the Yellow River mouth and consolidated in a vacuum device. By use of some test methods such as vane shear tests, micro-penetration tests, pore water piezometer tests and muti-electrode methods, the variation of strength, pore water pressure and resistivity during the consolidation process is timely measured. Routine soil tests and laboratory consolidation tests on silty samples are periodically conducted. It is shown from the test data that the resistivity closely relates with the degree of consolidation, and that the porosity is the main factor to control the resistivity of silty soil in the Yellow River mouth during the consolidation process. The electrical resistivity has a good relationship with the physical and mechanical indexes. Through electrical resistivity measurements, the consolidation indexes of soil are effectively estimated. It provides a new way for in-situ monitoring of marine sediment during the consolidation process.