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LI Ran, LIU Run, XU Yu, LIN Min-bo. Influence factor analysis of cement mixing pile method in treating vehicle bumping at bridge head in soft soil foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk2): 725-729.
Citation: LI Ran, LIU Run, XU Yu, LIN Min-bo. Influence factor analysis of cement mixing pile method in treating vehicle bumping at bridge head in soft soil foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk2): 725-729.

Influence factor analysis of cement mixing pile method in treating vehicle bumping at bridge head in soft soil foundation

More Information
  • Received Date: July 16, 2013
  • Published Date: November 24, 2013
  • Vehicle bumping at bridge head is a common quality problem in highway construction on soft soil foundation. Reasonable transition of flexible and rigid foundations is the core of solving this problem. On the basis of summarizing the relavent research results, the cement-mixing-pile-foundation treatment scheme adopted in the connection area of bridge and highway project in Tianjin is simulated by ABAQUS. The influences of treatment scope, gradient of pile length and variable pile length on eliminating the first and second vehicle bumpings are analyzed. The results show that cement mixing pile method is very effective in eliminating the vehicle bumping at bridge head. With the enlargement of the length of treatment scope, differential settlement also increases slightly, but the vehicle bumping at the section between the treated and untreated area can be alleviated. The increase of the pile length ratio in the highway extension direction will alleviate the vehicle bumping both at bridge head and in the section between treated and untreated areas. The increase of the length of cement mixing pile will aggravate the vehicle bumping at the section between the treated and untreated areas.
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