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HUANG Ying, CHEN Guo-xing, QI Cheng-zhi, DU Xiu-li. Comparative analysis between shaking table model test and numerical simulation of frame subway station structure in liquefiable ground[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk2): 471-478.
Citation: HUANG Ying, CHEN Guo-xing, QI Cheng-zhi, DU Xiu-li. Comparative analysis between shaking table model test and numerical simulation of frame subway station structure in liquefiable ground[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk2): 471-478.

Comparative analysis between shaking table model test and numerical simulation of frame subway station structure in liquefiable ground

More Information
  • Received Date: June 23, 2013
  • Published Date: November 24, 2013
  • Based on the results of the large shaking table test on frame subway station structure in liquefiable ground, considering the influence of the soil-structure nonlinear dynamic interaction by 2D finite element method, the nonlinear dynamic interaction of soil-subway station is modeled by ABAQUS software. In the modeling, the dynamic plastic-damage model is used to simulate the dynamic characteristics of station concrete, the modified Devidenkov viscoelastic constitutive model is used to simulate the dynamic characteristics of soil, and the dynamic pore water pressure strain model is used to simulate the development of pore water pressure. The seismic response of soil and subway station system under different test conditions is analyzed by means of the numerical simulation method. And then, the simulated results and the shaking table test records are compared. The results show that the simulated results are basically identical with the shaking table test records. So that, the modeling results and the shaking table test results are proved to be correct.
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