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XU Zhen, LAI Ying, MEI Guo-xiong. Numerical simulation of water-discharging pressure-relief technology on anti-floating of swimming pools[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 451-455.
Citation: XU Zhen, LAI Ying, MEI Guo-xiong. Numerical simulation of water-discharging pressure-relief technology on anti-floating of swimming pools[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 451-455.

Numerical simulation of water-discharging pressure-relief technology on anti-floating of swimming pools

More Information
  • Received Date: March 01, 2013
  • Published Date: July 18, 2013
  • A concept and the corresponding construction measures for the water-discharging pressure-relief technology on anti-floating of swimming pools are proposed to remedy the defects in the existing anti-floating methods for swimming pools. On this basis, the FEM is adopted to simulate the anti-floating results affected by some important factors, such as thickness and permeability of fertilizer tank and cushion course, diameter and arrangement of drain-pipe. The numerical results show that when the pool structure is located on the soil with a certain thickness and weak permeability, it is necessary to increase the thickness and permeability of fertilizer tank and to decrease the thickness and permeability of cushion course in order to obtain good anti-floating results. Meanwhile, arranging the drain-pipes around the bottom of the swimming pool with the style of small diameter and large quantity is also good for the results of anti-floating method.
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