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LIU You-ping, GONG Min, XU Bin, LI Jian-hua. Dynamic response of multiple holes in half saturated space impacted by seismic waves[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 399-405.
Citation: LIU You-ping, GONG Min, XU Bin, LI Jian-hua. Dynamic response of multiple holes in half saturated space impacted by seismic waves[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 399-405.

Dynamic response of multiple holes in half saturated space impacted by seismic waves

More Information
  • Received Date: February 28, 2013
  • Published Date: July 18, 2013
  • According to the Biot's wave theory and the complex function combined with multi-coordinate method, the seismic wave dynamic response of underground holes in half saturated space is studied. Given P waves on two circular holes of the dynamic stress concentration factor of the numerical results, the distribution situations of the dynamic stress concentration factors are discussed with the variation of the hole spacing, incidence angle and dimensionless wave number. The results show that, the effect of the underground hole spacing on the interaction effects of the holes is obvious. When the hole spacing reaches up to 6 times the radius of the hole, the peak value of the dynamic stress concentration factor decreases obviously, and the peripheral distribution of offset is weakened. With the increase of the incident angle, the hole peripheral stress concentration coefficient shows the trend of first increasing then decreasing, and distribution also occurs at certain angle deflection. In low frequency waves, the hole stress peak value will influence mutually more, while in the high frequency input, the interaction between holes will reduce.
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