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LI Guo-wei, HU Jian, LU Xiao-cen, ZHOU Yang. One-dimensional secondary consolidation coefficient and lateral pressure coefficient of overconsolidated soft clay[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(12): 2198-2205.
Citation: LI Guo-wei, HU Jian, LU Xiao-cen, ZHOU Yang. One-dimensional secondary consolidation coefficient and lateral pressure coefficient of overconsolidated soft clay[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(12): 2198-2205.

One-dimensional secondary consolidation coefficient and lateral pressure coefficient of overconsolidated soft clay

More Information
  • Received Date: December 15, 2011
  • Published Date: December 24, 2012
  • A series of one-dimensional K0 consolidation and creep tests on undisturbed samples are carried out to simulate the surcharge preloading process of unloading and reloading and to study the relationship between the secondary consolidation coefficient Cα, lateral press coefficient K0r of overconsolidated soft clay and stress history. The studies show that the primary consolidation time of the overconsolidated soft clay is much more reduced than that of the normally consolidated soft clay; the secondary consolidation coefficient is related to pressure and it becomes less as increases; and longer pre-loading time makes increase and Cα decrease. The lateral pressure coefficient K0r in creep process of soft clay is an approximate constant over time and it is influenced by stress state and stress history. It becomes less as reloading pressure increases and becomes larger with pre-consolidation pressure and has an approximate linear relationship with . The K0r model found by experiment and hypothesis without special parameters reflects the influence of the related conditions and has high consistency with the experimental results. The secondary consolidation coefficient Cα is related with the ratio of shear stress and spheric stress essentially, and they meet the hyperbolic rule.
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