Citation: | LIU Han-long. Technological innovation methods and practices in geotechnical engineering[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(1): 34-58. |
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刘汉龙,高玉峰,马晓辉. 一种现浇大直径管桩混凝土快速浇注装置及施工方法: 中国, ZL200810019690. X[P]. 2009-12-02. (LIU Han-long, GAO Yu-feng,MA Xiao-hui. A concrete quickly pouring device and its construction method of large diameter cast-in-place pipe pile:China, ZL200810019690.X [P]. 2009-12-02. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,高玉峰,马晓辉. 一种现浇大直径管桩活瓣桩靴及使用方法: 中国, ZL200810019689. 7[P]. 2010-06-09. (LIU Han-long, GAO Yu-feng,MA Xiao-hui. A valve pile shoe and its usage of large diameter cast-in-place pipe pile:China, ZL200810019689.7 [P]. 2010-06-09.(in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,丁选明,陈育民,等. 一种既有高速公路桥头跳车的处理方法: 中国, 201110302492. 6[P]. 2011-09-29. (LIU Han-long, DING Xuan-ming,CHEN Yu-min, et al. A processing method to avoid bumping at bridge-head for existing high-speed way:China, 201110302492.6[P]. 2011-09-29. (in Chinese))
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陈永辉,王新泉,刘汉龙,等. 正常通车情况下路堤横向钻孔轻质置换控制沉降的方法: 中国, 201010518332. 0[P]. 2012-07-04. (CHEN Yong-hui, WANG Xin-quan,LIU Han-long, et al. Settlement control method in normal operation condition by horizontal drilling and light replacement in embankment:China, 201010518332.0[P]. 2012-07-04. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,陈永辉,宋法宝. 一种桩土互动浆固散体材料桩复合地基施工工法: 中国, ZL200510038903. X[P]. 2007-12-19. (LIU Han-long, CHEN Yong-hui,SONG Fa-bao. A construction method of grouted discrete material pile composite foundation:China, ZL200510038903.X[P]. 2007-12-19. (in Chinese))
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左威龙. 浆固碎石桩承载性状试验研究与分析[D]. 南京: 河海大学, 2008.
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温世清. 路堤荷载下浆固碎石桩复合地基承载特性与沉降计算研究[D]. 南京: 河海大学, 2011.
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刘汉龙,徐士龙. 浅层振夯击密与深层爆炸挤密联合井点降水地基处理方法: 中国, ZL200910135452. X[P]. 2010-11-17. (LIU Han-long, XU Shi-long. A foundation treatment method by shallow vibration densification and deep blast compaction combining well- point dewatering method: China,ZL200910135452.X[P]. 2010-11-17. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,徐士龙. 浅层振夯击密与深层爆炸挤密联合高真空井点降水地基处理方法: 中国, ZL200710027872. 1[P]. 2009-08-26. (LIU Han-long, XU Shi-long. A foundation treatment method by shallow vibration densification and deep blast compaction combining high vacuum well-point dewatering method: China,ZL200710027872.1[P]. 2009-08-26. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙. 现浇X形钢筋混凝土桩施工方法: 中国, ZL200710020306. 3[P]. 2010-07-28. (LIU Han-long. The construction method of cast-in-place X-section reinforced concrete pile: China, ZL200710020306.3[P]. 2010-07-28. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙. 现浇Ⅹ形桩沉模装置: 中国, ZL200720036892. 6[P]. 2008-02-27. (LIU Han-long. A sinking mould device of cast-in-place X-section pile: China, ZL200720036892.6[P]. 2008-02-27. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,王智强,丁选明,等. 一种现浇X形混凝土桩活瓣桩尖结构装置及使用方法: 中国, ZL200910213162. 2[P]. 2011-06-01. (LIU Han-long, WANG Zhi-qiang,DING Xuan-ming, et al. A valve pile shoe and its usage of cast-in-place X-section concrete pile:China, ZL200910213162.2[P]. 2011-06-01. (in Chinese))
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孔纲强,丁选明,刘汉龙,等. 一种现浇X形大直径空心混凝土桩及其施工方法: 中国, ZL201010215965. 4[P]. 2012-05-09. (KONG Gang-qiang, DING Xuan-ming,LIU Han-long, et al. A cast-in-place X-section large-diameter hollow concrete pile and its construction method:China, ZL201010215965.4[P]. 2012-05-09. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,曾国海,高有斌,等. 吹填超软地基改性真空预压结合覆水预压快速处理方法: 中国, ZL201010158412. X[P]. 2012-03-28. (LIU Han-long, ZENG Guo-hai,GAO You-bin, et al. A quickly processing method of hydraulic fill super soft foundation by modified vacuum preload combining water covered method:China, ZL201010158412.X [P]. 2012-03-28. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,丁选明,杨 贵,等. 一种掺砾料大三轴试验电渗固结法: 中国, ZL200910183525. 2[P]. 2011-07-06. (LIU Han-long, DING Xuan-ming,YANG Gui, et al. A electroosmosis consolidation method of gravel admixture sample of large scale triaxial test:China, ZL200910183525.2[P]. 2011-07-06. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,孔纲强,丁选明,等. 一种运营地铁隧道沉降控制方法: 中国, 201210199845. 9[P]. 2012-06-18. (LIU Han-long, KONG Gang-qiang,DING Xuan-ming, et al. A settlement control method of the tunnel of operating subway:China, 201210199845.9[P]. 2012-06-18. (in Chinese))
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LIU Han-long, FEI Kang, DENG An,et al. Erective sea embankment with PCC piles[J]. China Ocean Engineering, 2005,19(2):339-348
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刘汉龙,马晓辉,储海岩,等. 用于软基处治的套管成模大直径现浇管桩机: 中国, ZL01273182. X[P]. 2002-10-09. (LIU Han-long, MA Xiao-hui,CHU Hai-yan, et al. Casing mould pile machine of large-diameter cast-in-place concrete pipe pile used for soft ground treatment:China, ZL01273182.X[P]. 2002-10-9. (in Chinese))
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刘汉龙,高玉峰. 一种螺旋成孔大直径现浇混凝土薄壁管桩机: 中国, ZL200520054396. 1[P]. 2007-02-14. (LIU Han-long, GAO Yu-feng. A twist drilling pile machine of large-diameter cast-in-place concrete thin-wall pipe pile: China,ZL200520054396.1[P]. 2007-02-14. (in Chinese))
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周云东,刘汉龙,李明生,等. 现浇薄壁管桩在威-乌高速公路软基加固中的应用[J]. 岩土力学, 2005,26(10):1671-1674
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