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ZHANG Hao, SHI Ming-lei, LIU Wei-zheng, ZHAO Yu. Load effect of sparse capped-piles and soils in treating foundations under embankments[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(9): 1758-1765.
Citation: ZHANG Hao, SHI Ming-lei, LIU Wei-zheng, ZHAO Yu. Load effect of sparse capped-piles and soils in treating foundations under embankments[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(9): 1758-1765.

Load effect of sparse capped-piles and soils in treating foundations under embankments

More Information
  • Received Date: June 22, 2011
  • Published Date: October 09, 2012
  • According to the characteristics of embankments supported by sparse piles, based on some simplifications, a load transfer mechanical model for embankments and a method for calculating the interaction between piles and soils are respectively established. In consideration of the interaction between embankments and foundations with sparse piles, a method is proposed for the load sharing between piles and soils with the compatibility of displacements on the bottom surface of embankments. The proposed method is validated by comparing the analytical solutions with the observed results of projects. The calculated results of the proposed method are also compared with those in the references. It shows that the analytical solutions are in agreement with the observed data, and the proposed method is reasonable. The factors which affect load sharing ratio of piles and soils, such as height of embankments, cohesion of fill and pile spacing, are analyzed.
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