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LI Ning, QU Xing, YAO Xian-chun, LIU Nai-fei. Further researches on finite element method in tunnels with shallow overburden and loosen rock mass[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1475-1482.
Citation: LI Ning, QU Xing, YAO Xian-chun, LIU Nai-fei. Further researches on finite element method in tunnels with shallow overburden and loosen rock mass[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1475-1482.

Further researches on finite element method in tunnels with shallow overburden and loosen rock mass

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  • Received Date: May 12, 2011
  • Published Date: August 19, 2012
  • Further researches on discretization finite element simulation of collapsing arch based on loose surrounding rock in shallow-buried tunnels are performed. First of all, they are compared with other numerical simulation methods and the definition and the applicable scope are put forward. Compared with the results of the common finite element methods, it is further proved that the proposed method is reasonable and can more realistically reflect the tensile state of the surrounding rock in the near-surface, the intersecting site of slip surface with surface, the arch crown, the arch and the sidewall bottom, the yield damage of loose rock and the collapse trend of rock mass tunnel, so as to reveal the tensile breaking, fracturing and sloughing of rock. By regarding whether or not the displacement of the arch crown is convergent as the judgement basis, the influences of discrete interface parameters and block sizes on the results are preliminarily discussed, showing that the discrete DFEM is feasible in technical and project application.
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