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WANG Jun, CAI Yuan-qiang, GUO Lin, YANG Fang. Pore pressure and strain development of Wenzhou saturated soft soil under cyclic loading by stages[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(7): 1349-1354.
Citation: WANG Jun, CAI Yuan-qiang, GUO Lin, YANG Fang. Pore pressure and strain development of Wenzhou saturated soft soil under cyclic loading by stages[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(7): 1349-1354.

Pore pressure and strain development of Wenzhou saturated soft soil under cyclic loading by stages

More Information
  • Received Date: June 12, 2011
  • Published Date: July 24, 2012
  • After a certain number of traffic loads, soil dynamic characteristics are changed, which makes the response of the next cyclic loading different. Through the successive cyclic loading and 5-stage loading tests on Wenzhou saturated soft soil under undrained and drained conditions separately, the effects of post-cyclic loading with no vibration for a certain time on the soil dynamic characteristics are analyzed. The experimental results show that after a certain time of cyclic loading with no vibration, the cumulative strain is reduced because of the change of soil dynamic behaviors; under undrained conditions, the pore pressure is stable at the value of cumulative pore pressure generated by cyclic loading and part of strain generated by cyclic loading resumes; under drained conditions, the pore pressure firstly increases and then decreases at the stage of cyclic loading while the cumulative strain keeps mostly unchangeable. The conclusions should be helpful for in-depth analysis of the dynamic response and settlement development of soil under traffic loading.
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