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ZHOU Feng, GUO Liang, LIU Zhuang-zhi, WANG Xu-dong, WANG Ji-guo. Model tests on end-bearing pile foundation by use of settlement adjustor[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(2): 373-378.
Citation: ZHOU Feng, GUO Liang, LIU Zhuang-zhi, WANG Xu-dong, WANG Ji-guo. Model tests on end-bearing pile foundation by use of settlement adjustor[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(2): 373-378.

Model tests on end-bearing pile foundation by use of settlement adjustor

More Information
  • Received Date: January 05, 2011
  • Published Date: February 19, 2012
  • Settlement adjustor is a special device used to adjust the displacement between contact points of structures. The installation of the settlement adjustor can ensure the deformation coordination and the interaction for pile-soil of end-bearing piled raft foundation. In order to study the influence of the settlement adjustor on the interaction with pile-soil-raft of end-bearing piled raft foundation, laboratory model tests are performed before and after the installation of the settlement adjustor. The axial forces of pile , the settlement of raft and the raft-soil contact pressure are measured. Then, the pile-soil load transfer mechanism, the settlement and difference settlement of raft and the pile-soil load sharing ratio of end-bearing piled raft foundation under different load levels are analyzed. The results show that, as compared with the conventional end-bearing piled raft foundation, the installation of the settlement adjustor has changed the load transfer rule of piled raft foundation and achieved the interaction of pile-soil. Suitable bearing stiffness of the settlement adjustor can give priority and full play to the bearing capacity of the soil beneath the raft and optimize the pile-soil load sharing ratio. The conclusions can provide the experimental basis for further theoretical researches.
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